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Titian – the 16th-century Venetian painter

 Titian was a leading artist of the Italian Renaissance who was born in c.1488. he has painted works for Pope in Venice as a teenager and worked with Sebastiano Zuccato, Giovanni Bellini, and Giorgione before branching out on his own. Titian became one of Venice's main artists around 1518 with the completion of Assumption of the Virgin. He soon created works for leading members of royalty, including King Philip II of Spain and Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor. Pope Paul III also hired Titian to paint portraits of himself and his grandsons. 

Produced some of the great works of 16th century

He painted two works featuring Pope Paul III between 1545 and '46 and spent six months living at the Vatican while making these paintings. In 1548, Assumption of he traveled to the court of Charles V, where he painted his portrait as well. Titian majorly focused on mythological works. His paintings are mostly based on mythology. Titian continued to paint until his death which was on August 27, 1576, in Venice. He reportedly died of the plague. A few months later, the same illness also took the life of his son, Orazio. After the father's death, the financial condition worsened. His other son, Pomponio, sold his father's house and its contents in 1581. Some artwork can now be found in museums in different parts of the world, including the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, Russia, and the National Gallery of art Washington, D.C.

Famous artwork

  • Assumption of the virgin, in 1518 - The painting explains the Assumption of the virgin, which is celebrated every year on August 15 and shows the rising of Mary to heaven before the decay of her body.  
  • Diana and Actaeon, in1559 - the moment in which the goddess Diana, depicted on the right side of the painting, and everybody was hounding her. 
  • Bacchus and Ariadne, in 1523 - It depicts Ariadne, who has been deserted by her lover on an island, being discovered on the shore by the god Bacchus
  • Venus of Urbino, in 1538 - It shows the goddess Venus reclining on a couch or bed in the surroundings of a Renaissance place.
  • Sacred and profane love, in 1514 – it shows two women are twin Venuses with one representing forces of nature while the other standing for eternal and divine love.